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How to Build an Empire:
The Transformer

E File | Posted on March 24, 2010

Welcome to the era of the "Rock Star." Probably the most important person in building an empire, the transformer is the catalyst; they accelerate a reaction to bring change for gain. Often called charismatic people, catalysts add life to an idea. defines charisma as a spiritual power or personal quality that gives an individual influence or authority over large numbers of people.

You can't build it if you can't sell it, and you can't sell it if you don't feel it. Charismatic people have the ability to add life to a cause, initiative, or movement. They are known for being approachable and engaging, with an infectious personality. For example, the salesperson who continues to be the salesman of the year. Transformers are sometimes salespeople, litigation attorneys, CEOs, motivational speakers, entertainers, etc.

Transformer Pros

  • Engaging
  • Charismatic
  • Friendly
  • Great Communicators

Areas of Improvement

  • Uphold Your Ethics
  • Maintain Your Integrity
  • Less Aggression, More Assertion
  • Identify Core Moral Values

Are you a Transformer?